ICRT News for Kids – Students and Sleep

10 hours of sleep for students

(Yawns, and stretching sounds — as if the person just woke up)
Narrator: 太棒了! I got ten hours of sleep 睡了十個小時 好舒服 … I’m going
to get a really high score on my test!
Trust me, it’s true! Sleeping more helps you in school. Scientists say
elementary school kids need 10 hours of sleep every night.
Adults only need 7 or 8 hours of sleep … but kids need to sleep more to
learn and remember new things at school.
If you learned something, and you just can’t remember it … maybe you need
more sleep!
If you want to get a high score on your tests, you need to do three things:
Number one: Go to bed at the same time 每天晚上同一個時間要睡覺 … If you go
to sleep at 8 o’clock one night and 10 o’clock the next night … your body
gets confused … Your brain says, “Hey! Should I feel tired now?” Or maybe
it’s saying, “Ahhhh! I’m tired, help!”
Number two: Don’t play with your cell phone or watch TV at night!
晚上玩手機或看電視都是不好喔! The bright light of the TV or your phone tells
your body to wake up. And that’s not good before bedtime.
Number three: Exercise! Did you know sitting all day is bad for your brain,
bad for your heart, bad for your … well … it’s bad for your whole body!
Also, exercising every day helps you sleep! 運動可以幫我們好好的入睡!
And not just on days before a test. If you want high scores, you need to have
good sleep habits every day!
So remember the magic number: 10! You need ten hours of sleep!

Yes, getting enough sleep is important!
1) sleep睡眠。I only slept 3 hours last night.我昨晚只睡了三個鐘頭。What
happened? 發生了什麼事? I was worried about the test, and I couldn’t
2) Test考試。The big test is coming up.大考快到了。Did you pass the
test?你有沒有通過考試? Yes, I did.過了。
3) Learn學習。Live and learn.活到老,學到老。I’ve learned so much
4) Remember記得。I can’t remember her name.我不記得她的名字。Please remember
to call me tonight.請你記住今晚打電話給我。
5) Wake up醒來。Hey, we’re late. Wake up! 我們遲到了,趕快醒來!
So remember to get more sleep. Let’s read the words. Sleep睡眠 test考試
learn學習 remember記得 wake up醒來


  1. How many hours of sleep should school kids get every night?
    A: 200
    B: 3
    C: 10
  2. How does sleep help you get high scores on tests?
    A: Sleep helps you remember what you learned in school
    B: Sleep helps you exercise
    C: Sleep helps you cheat
  3. What shouldn’t students do before bed?
    A: Watch TV or play with a phone
    B: Read a book
    C: Eat something healthy