ICRT News for Kids – Mummies

Mummies Are Real!

Narrator: Do you like scary stories about ghosts, monsters and mummies?

Narrator: Of course, you do! You can see mummies in comics, video games and
movies! 你應該有看過木乃伊的電影吧? In the movies, mummies are like monsters.
They have bandages all over their bodies. They usually walk slowly and chase
people. 電影裡面的木乃伊有點像殭屍。對吧?

Well, I have a true story to tell you about real mummies! Yes, there really
are mummies in the world. But they aren’t like the scary ones in the

A lot of real mummies have been found in Egypt over the years. And recently,
30 were found!

Female: Oh no! Mummies! Run away!

Narrator: Don’t worry. These mummies may be real, but real ones can’t hurt

People found these mummies by digging in the ground. Imagine finding 30
mummies! That would be so exciting, right? 如果一次挖到30個木乃伊會很刺激吧

Female : Don’t open the coffins! Isn’t that bad luck???

Narrator: No! Of course, not! 木乃伊的詛咒不是真的啦。They are just dead
people wrapped up in bandages, not monsters. These real mummies are about
2,400 years old. That’s over 2,000 years old! They can’t walk or hurt you.
That only happens in the movies and in stories.

Now, here’s something that’s very interesting. People think there are even
more mummies buried in the ground.

Isn’t history fun? 歷史是很有趣的 Maybe you’ll get a chance to visit
Egypt.你會想去埃及嗎? If you do, you’ll love the many old, old buildings. And
if you see a mummy or two in a museum, don’t worry.
在博物館看到木乃伊其實不用擔心的They can’t hurt you!


Many comic books are about monsters and mummies.
1) Comic books漫畫書,comics 漫畫。Kevin reads comics in the newspapers every
day 凱文每天都看報紙上的漫畫。

2) Monster怪物。You can dress up as a monster for

3) Hurt傷害。Don’t hurt me不要傷害我! I’ll never hurt you我絕對不會傷害你的。

4) In the ground. Mummies are buried in the ground 木乃伊埋在地底下。Potatoes
grow in the ground馬鈴薯在地底下生長。

5) Interesting 有趣的。Your story is very interesting 你的故事真有趣! Did you
find the movie interesting 你們覺得那部電影有趣嗎? No, not really談不上。

今天的單字你記住了嗎? Comics漫畫 monster怪物 hurt傷害 in the ground地底下


1) Where were the mummies found?
A: In America B: In Egypt C: In Europe

2) What are real mummies?
A: Monsters B: People who find dead bodies. C: Bodies wrapped in bandages.

3) How old are the mummies that were found?
A: About 1,000 years old B: 1,500 years old C: More than 2,000 years old


1, B 2, C 3, C